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Episode 14 : Atari VCS closer look, keyboard and mouse hooked up, and some live experimenting with the console.
Episode 014: After one day of exploring the VCS interface, features, controllers and very few games, I share the likes, dislikes, quirks, and bugs I encountered as I worked through the initial setup. Overall, the system shows promise, but is currently plagued by a lack of native games library. In this video, I discuss some of the issues I encountered, perform a live test of connecting a Keyboard and Mouse, and I discover the Classic Joystick doesn't work with "Missle Command". Why doesn't the keyboard let you input your PIN? Why does the console reboot when you change from HD to 4K screen resolution? A few minor quirks. Next episode, I will test a few Operating Systems and take a deeper look into the console's underlying OS.(C)opyright 2020 : Chris Tusa, RetroAxis.TV